Moving from Ally to Accomplice

Is your group or organization looking for a live and interactive workshop? Sabia skillfully facilitates spaces for discussion on Diversity and Inclusion.

Sabia’s workshop was such a great way to start the year with my midwifery students. It was well organized and informative and gave room for hard conversations. I so appreciated the patience and kindness that was afforded for these hard conversations. There was emphasis on mistakes being normal and even necessary. Sabia gave kind and supportive feedback after every individual spoke which made it a safe and productive space. I would recommend this course to my midwifery peers. Zoom can be hard but it really worked in this case but needless to say, I wish we could have all been in the room together.
— Rebecca, Massachusetts Midwifery Alliance

Whether your organization is looking for a workshop on Racism and Privilege in Birthwork, or needs a leader who can facilitate a conversation on Diversity and Inclusion within your team environment, Sabia has years of experience guiding groups in these difficult discussions, and is an expert at connecting and creating an open dialogue to facilitate healing.

These workshops include learning how to use your privilege to bring opportunity and equity to low income and marginalized people in your business model.

It is preferred that these sessions be followed with a check in 3 to 6 months later, or include on going sessions, to assist with processing and accountability.

Workshops are live and interactive, and tailored to your specific organizational needs.

Length of trainings will vary based on goal and needs. Please fill out the interest form to help us determine what the best arrangement is.